2002 Mercer Ave., NW Roanoke, VA 24017
(540) 345-6676
Reverend Jerel Rhodes, Senior Pastor
The worship experience at Kingdom Life Ministries can be compared to an oasis in a barren dessert. It is the blending of hearts, thoughts and voices in reverence to the presence of the living God. It is energy. It is life itself.
Sunday Morning
10:00 am Morning Worship
Tuesday Evening
7:00 pm Dial In Prayer
(425) 436-6328
Wednesday Evening
6:00 pm Centering Prayer
Thursday Morning
7:30 am Dial In Prayer
(425) 436-6328
Can't join our Sunday Morning Worship and Wednesday Bible Study services in person? You can join us from wherever you are using the Zoom login information below. You may contact the church office for the meeting ID and password.
10:00 am Morning Worship
7:00 pm Prayer (Dial In)
6:00 pm Centering Prayer
7:30 am Prayer (Dial In)