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2002 Mercer Ave., NW   Roanoke, VA 24017

(540) 345-6676

Reverend Jerel Rhodes, Senior Pastor

About Us

About us

Our Mission

Touching the world through worship, prayer and mission until we all come to the fullness of Christ.


Thank you for visiting Kingdom Life Ministries International via the world wide web. We are excited about what God is doing in our congregation and all over the world; therefore, we celebrate the Living Christ that has called us to a lifestyle of worship and service.

We believe that Christ is come in us and that the Kingdom of God is within us. We were born for the purpose of loving God with all of our heart, mind and spirit and our neighbor as ourselves.  Our destiny is to grow into the fullness of His stature, establishing the Kingdom of God in the earth. We are committed to demonstrating the truths of God’s infallible Word as living examples.


About My Kingdom Life

“Kingdom Life is more than a community, it’s a family of like-minded people who care about other, God, and the community.”

 - Micah Johnson

“Kingdom Life is where I grew up and I felt like I was raised by all of these amazing role models who have helped me to be the person I am today. Because of Kingdom Life I’m more compassionate and giving to others.”

- Ashton Johnson

About My Kingdom Life

I am proud to be a member of Kingdom Life Ministries International. KLMI is comprised of a group of genuine individuals who love to worship and praise the Lord. A church body that goes beyond and above to support its members, serve its community and to reach the nations. I am thankful to have found a great church family for me and my family to be a part of.

- Myra Allen

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